Renowned American author Paul Auster, acclaimed author of "The New York Trilogy" and "The Moon Palace" died at the age of 77. Auster died on Tuesday night at his home in the New York neighborhood of Brooklyn surrounded by his family, including his wife Siri Hustvedt and his daughter, the singer Sophie Auster, said his friend and colleague Jacki Lyden in a statement sent to AFP. "Paul died this afternoon, at home, surrounded by his loved ones," Lyden wrote Tuesday, describing him as a "writer's writer." Auster had been receiving treatment for lung cancer diagnosed in March 2023. Among his best-known works are the aforementioned “The New York Trilogy” - a crime novel inspired by the police genre -, “The Palace of the Moon”, and “4 3 2 1”, his last work of great inspiration. with which he broke his concise style.

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